Tuition Payments
To make a tuition payment please visit the link below
School Closure Dates
- 12/24/2018 - Christmas Eve
- 12/25/2018 - Christmas Day
- 12/31/2018 - New Year’s Eve
- 01/01/2019 - New Year’s Day
- 01/21/2019 - Martin Luther King
- 5/27/19 - Memorial Day
- 07/04/2019 - Fourth of July
- 09/2/2019 - Labor Day
- 11/28/2019 - Thanksgiving Day
- 11/29/2019 - Black Friday
- 12/24/2019 - Christmas Eve
- 12/25/2019 - Christmas Day
- 01/31/19 - New Year’s Eve
- ESL-Foundation is also closed the day after major holidays.